School Opening Hours 9am - 4pm
- The school day for all children begins at 9.10am. Doors open at 8.55am and close at 9.10am. If children arrive after this time they will only be able to enter the school through the main door.
- P1, P2 and P3 classes finish at 2.00pm. These children must be brought to and collected from school by an adult at the designated classroom exits.
- We would ask that P4 to P7 children be left at the outside doors and that parents should not accompany their children into the corridors or to the classroom door. This is to encourage your child’s independence.
- P4-P7 classes finish at 3.00pm. Children should make their way home immediately unless involved in after school activities. Information regarding after school activities will be made available as soon as possible.
- All children must enter the school via the designated doors beside classrooms. Parents are asked not to use the main front door when leaving or collecting children from school.
- The school car park is for staff only; please do not use the staff car park. This is for the health and safety of your children.
- Please do not park or stop just outside the school entrance or the Parochial House. Please consider using the car parks opposite the school, at the shops and St Anthony’s Church.
- All drivers to the school are obliged to obey signals and signs used by the School Crossing Patrol Staff. Using abusive language towards Patrol Staff will not be tolerated. We would appeal for your cooperation on this matter.
- No dogs, no matter how small, are allowed on the school premises.