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Primary 5

A few highlights from the year so far

P5 PMA enjoying PE with Healthy Kidz

Primary 5 Judo Sessions

To end our ‘Water Cycle’ topic in WAU, P5RG spent time this week designing posters about ‘How to save the Ocean’. Each group researched ideas and used their own creativity to create these excellent posters.

P5RG Class Assembly on Heroes.


You all did amazing.

Well Done P5RG!!

We all did absolutely amazing, Well Done P5RG!!

Winter Term in P5RT

Halloween Disco 🎃👻

Have a look at what P5RT has been up to this term!

Busy making our shopping lists during Maths Week Ireland! 

We had to go on to the Tesco website to price how much ingredients would cost for our Halloween treats before finding the total. There were bonus points for finding any bargains! 😅 

We’ve also been enjoying engaging in lots of practical maths this term, taking time to revise strategies with each other, playing games to practise our tables and using Mathletics to revise our mental maths knowledge. 

We have been loving our PE sessions with Healthy Kidz this term! Coach Lauren always has a variety of fun and challenging games for us to play. 

For Biology Week we completed the ‘Invisible Skin’ experiment to explore why polar bears can tolerate cold and icy water while humans cannot. 

We learned that they have an oily layer of skin which allows the water to roll off their skin, acting like a waterproof coat. 

We tested it out by rubbing oil on our hands and dipping them in icy water! 🐻‍❄️❄️

Good afternoon everyone, 

A big well done to all of the boys and girls in Primary 5 for settling in so well this week.


We would like to remind you that our PE will begin this Monday.


Thank you. 


St Anthony’s would like to take this opportunity to say a massive congratulations to Armagh GAA on being crowned All Ireland Champions 2024! A huge achievement for everyone involved. It was a fantastic day for our small Orchard county. We hope all of our Parents, Carers, Staff and Pupils enjoyed the final with family and friends.

The sheer determination and strength of this team is an inspiration to all of our pupils that anything is possible!

We look forward to welcoming Sam to St Anthony’s in the weeks and months ahead.


