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Student Council

Student Council


The Student Council consists of representatives from each class, specifically from P.4 to P.7.

These students serve as the voice of their peers. The council convenes monthly, providing an opportunity for children to present suggestions for discussion. Throughout the academic year, we select various proposals from the student body. The council then prepares a speech or presentation to discuss these proposals with Mr. Mallon, the principal. Over the past decade, the Student Council has made notable contributions to enhancing our school environment. Their initiatives have included the installation of picnic tables, benches along the sports pitch, the development of the Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA), and the addition of water fountains, among other improvements. It is evident to both staff and students that the Student Council plays a vital role in our school community, and their contributions are valued and taken seriously



St Anthony's Student Council 2024

Throughout the year, the Student Council convenes monthly with Mrs. Hamill, the Vice Principal, to review and discuss proposals from the student body.

Together, they evaluate these suggestions and identify the most promising ones. Each representative then chooses one suggestion and prepares a speech to present to Mr. Mallon on behalf of their peers.

At the conclusion of the last term, the Student Council met with Mr. Mallon to discuss the suggestions that had been submitted. The following decisions emerged from that meeting:

Classes will be permitted to intermingle in the dining hall, with students having lunches gathering on one side and those having dinners on the other.

The Student Council proposed that a student take on the role of Principal for a day, accompanying Mr. Mallon throughout the school and assisting him with various tasks. Mr. Mallon consented to this arrangement.

Additionally, a representative from the P.7 council requested the installation of a water fountain in the mobile unit, allowing P.7 students to fill their water bottles without needing to enter the main school building. Mrs. Hamill will coordinate with Deirdre Matchett, our buildings supervisor, to assess the feasibility of this request.

Furthermore, there was a suggestion for the addition of more basketball hoops in the school playground, to which Mr. Mallon agreed.

A council representative inquired about the possibility of the therapy dog, Henry Wee Wheels, returning next year. Mr. Mallon expressed uncertainty regarding this but indicated he would explore alternative options for therapy animals.

Lastly, a request was made for a range of after-school clubs, including basketball, tennis, and swimming. Mrs. Hamill plans to discuss these ideas with the teaching staff and will reach out to South Lakes to determine the availability of a swimming club slot.

Please Meet Our Student Council 2024 - 2025


We are excited to introduce our Student Council for the 2024-2025 school year! 

Mrs. Hamill and Mr. Mallon are eager to collaborate with this year's council and can't wait to hear all the ideas and suggestions from the student body.



